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Dr. Timo Hammer

“The German Certification Association should bring tangible benefits to the member companies. In addition to financial success, these include employee motivation and qualification, differentiation from the competition, and support in the case of technical challenges. With our expertise and passion, we concentrate on the three pillars of quality assurance, market processing and training.”
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Andreas Janning

“I am a member of the committees of the Certification Association because I am so fascinated by the term “German Certification Association”. It represents the quality of the linen processing and the association part refers to all the RAL certified laundries who provide mutual support to one another.”

Managing director

Dr. Timo Hammer

The Certification Association for Responsible Textile Service
Schlosssteige 1
74357 Bönnigheim

Andreas Janning
Deputy managing director

The Certification Association for Responsible Textile Service
Schlosssteige 1
74357 Bönnigheim